Garage door sensors are essential for the safe and smooth operation of your garage door. One sends a signal and the other receives it. In this way, when the garage door is not open, it opens carefully and closes securely. If the sensors stop working properly, you may find that your garage door is stubbornly shutting or reversing direction unexpectedly. This is a guide to the perfect alignment of your garage door sensors.
1. Turn Off the Power
Before you begin, disconnect the power to your garage door opener for safety. Locate the breaker box and turn off the fuse for the garage door. For added protection, consider wearing electricity-resistant gloves.
2. Loosen the Sensor Brackets
With a screwdriver, loosen the screws and then adjust the mounting sensor brackets. You don’t have to remove them all together but just loosen them enough so that sensors will easily bump up and down as needed.
3. Lower the Sensors
Gently slide each sensor down as low as it can go without removing it from the bracket. Use your hands to avoid damaging the sensors—tools may cause unintended harm.
4. Use a String for Alignment
Grab a string that’s longer than the width of your garage door opening. Tie one end of the string to the first sensor and its bracket, and then stretch it across the opening to tie it to the second sensor. This will help you see if the sensors are aligned.
5. Check the Level
Place a level under the string to ensure it’s perfectly straight. If the string isn’t level, adjust the sensors and brackets until it runs evenly across the garage opening.
6. Secure the Sensors
Once the string is level, tighten the screws on the sensor brackets. Test the alignment by gently nudging the sensors; they should stay firmly in place. If they move, realign the string and tighten the screws again.
7. Reconnect the Power and Test
Remove the string, reconnect the power, and test the garage door. If the sensors are aligned correctly, the garage door should open and close without any issues.
Call the Experts for Help
Aligning garage door sensors can be tricky and time-consuming. If you’re in Whitby and need help, Durham Garage Door Guys can handle it for you. Our team has the tools and expertise to get your sensors working perfectly.